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Re: Other Ways of Fooling Radar.

In a message dated 09/03/1999 02:04:28 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
mrobinso@ch2m.com writes:

>  Now these are probably old wives tales, but since we are on the subject i
>  might as well bring them up. 
>  1)  I once heard from a friend that radar bounces back having to do with
>  vibrations set out by the transmission.  This made no sense to me then and
>  makes no sense to me now; but he said by throwing a car into neutral upon
>  sight of a cop, you can disrupt the radar reading.  I have never tried 
>  probably never will, but he said that he had done this succesfully.
>  Probable just a myth.
>  2)  This one may be somewhat valid, but still have never tried it.  It must
>  work only with laser to make sense, but i heard if you flip on your
>  high-beams while being shot, you can "flood" the light spectrum, thereby
>  throwing off the reading.  I am not sure how the laser gun takes its
>  readings but would this work?
>  Lastly, would it be possible to design a "stealth" vehicle.  I don't care
>  what the body would look like, it would be really cool to have a car the
>  cops couldn't shoot.
>  Mike Robinson
>  Santa Clara, CA
>  1988 Audi 90 quattro
>  187,000 + miles
>  Everything Moded But The Motor (For Now)

1 and 2 are bunk... dont count on it.  The only material that I know of that 
absorbs RF is ferrite, you could put enough ferrite on your car to absorb the 
RF.... However, it is extremely expensive, and very heavy...  But it still 
wouldn't solve your problem with laser.... 
