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RE: Renewed SUV Bashing
>When the next recession hits I expect a large percentage of the population
>will be trading their SUV's and buying Ford's new Granada series of fine
>cars and those with the bucks the new "space car" I read about this
It's not a fad...It is a permanent part of the group psychology..."Bigger
is better"...A lot of people use these vehicles for what they were designed
for: big, badass status symbols. But there are also a lot of people who
just like them, or who "need" them to go about their daily chores and/or
winter chores...
It's not a fad, it's a reality that is being realized in this
anti-recession with relatively low gas prices....It is an environment that
allows people to try to experience what they wish....It may be stupid to
me, but I laugh behind my tinted Audi windows...