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Re: Cryogenically Frozen Rotors

Sounds like more BS to me.  Anything to persuade that their brand of
pseudoscience tells the truth and makes their overpriced product much
better than someone else's.


You are probably too young to remember the Shell Oil advertising campaign
of nearly 30 years ago.  They advertised that their fuel contained
"platformate" which no one else had and therefore their fuel was worth the
premium prices they charged for it.

True.  They were the only ones with platformate.

A (still) common practice in the industry is a process called platinum
reformation which involves passing heated hydrocarbon vapors over a
platinum catalyst.  It makes a variety of structural changes (it "reforms"
them) in the hydrocarbons and produces a higher octane rating for the fuel.
 The process is called platinum reformation.  Every major oil company does
this in every oil refinery.

Shell coined the term "platformate" and filed it as a trademark.  True.
Only they had platformate.  Everyone else had platinum reformate.

Talk about BS. huh?  Wanna cryogenicly treat your rotors?  Go for it,
buddy.  :-)

At 08:30 AM 09/10/1999 -0400, you wrote:
>>I saw a portion of a program once ( I might actually have it on tape
>>too) on Discovery about a company that freezes items down to absolute
>>zero and then warms them back up. According to the show, metal seems to
>>be "harder" and more able to endure stress. They mentioned "freezing"
>>entire engines for racers, and musical instruments too. In both cases,
>>the end users claim better performance from the "frozen" article.
>I saw that too...It has to do with "equally-spaced molecular structure 
>because of compacting while freezing"
>Or, at least, that's what they said....I'm not so sure I buy it, but if it 
>works, great.
>87 4kq
* Robert L. Myers  rmyers@inetone.net          Home 304-574-2372      *
* Rt. 4, Box 57,  Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA   WV tag Q SHIP          *
* '95 urS6  Cashmere Grey - der Wunderwagen    ICQ 22170244           *
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