hi all!!
i'm a newbee,so pleeeeaasssseeee be gentle.....
i am now the proud parts buyer ,er um, OWNER of 1 1986 4000s quattro
it is in very decent shape bodywise (i'm in nova scotia can. a VERY
nasty place
for rust) AND the car runs beautifully but........
when i got the car the temp gauge did not work.got home and noticed
the sensor
on the thermostat housing was unplugged.i hooked it back up and the
works flawlessly;my problem is the low coolant idiot light starts
flashing the second
you turn the key to "ON" without even having started the engine
after following the threads for a bit i understand that there is also
a sensor for coolant
mixture...could this be the cause????
next (related?) question:::
the car starts instantly and runs smoothly and flawlessly and
pulls hard until approx.
5075 rpm according to the tach. at this point the engine cuts out(it
is definitely some
kind of rev limiter in my opinion/experiences)
the engine will run all day at 5074 rpm but will not go
higher.....unless you clutch it and
pour on the fuel(actually,it still cuts out,but reciprocating inertia
carries the revs higher)
is this related to the temp sensor??? ie:: is the engine sensing an
overheat condition
and limiting the revs in a "limp home" mode???
i have precisely zero info with the car....my bentley manual is
already on order though!!!
so many questions.....
next::: the console rotary dial for the diff locks: pos #1 light
comes on (yaayyy!!)
how can i tell if diff is ACTUALLY locked ????
pos #2 light does not come on do'oh!!
found vacuum line at rear diff plugged with a
bolt (sigh,why don't people
just get things fixed when they go awry??)
i plugged line back onto diff fitting.... still
no dash light(burnt-out?)
the car idles smoothly at 1000 rpm(should be
800) after hooking up
vacuum line,car now idles at 1150 or so.....
idle also seems to vary,sometimes 1150 or 1000
or 1500 or 900
or etc etc it can be different every time you
stop at a light.....
question:::: a/c not working....i depressed the ac
schrader valve and got a
tiny little pffft of
pressure,obvious need for a leak check/
re-charge....if engine is sensing
an overheat condition,,does it
not kill the a/c to reduce engine
question:::(last one for today, i swear!!)
my clutch linkage is worn, i know
about the repair procedure
for pin etc etc....
previous owner swears to a recent
clutch assembly/slave cyl.
and i can see the new hyd. line
problem::: clutch engages about
1/2 inch off of being buried
in the
carpet!!!!! clutch travel is all over and done
in the next 2
any thoughts????
your humbled reader
rob morse
thought for the day::: the lord looks after fools and little
children(and rookie audi fans??)
86 4ksq
86 adnoh civic
87 civic
88 drocca ixe
74 yvehc rezalb (tow vehicle,as soon as it gets restored......)
83 yamaha rz350 (i love the smell of 2-stroke oil in the morning: it
smells like....someone
ELSES defeat)
p.s. why do young punks in 5 litre mustangs always want to race my
you should see their faces!!!( rz 350= 110kph in FIRST gear(out
of six!))
god i love beating up on slack-jawed mouth breathers.....