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Re: bad news

1.  I think the name of the hurricane is funny because my mother's 
boyfriend is named Floyd.  And every time I heard the news, it was 
something like "Floyd is slow moving, but dangerous." I would break out 
laughing.   Hilarious if you knew the guy.

2.  I think my favorite Arizona river story if the German POWs near Phoenix 
trying to escape to Mexico in rafts on a dry river.

I lost a few trees in the backyard (including one that was 7 feet around 
and 70 feet tall!), electricity all day, half the roads had trees blocking 
them and half the bridges are closed.

MAC:  Anybody have a recommended adhesive for headliners?  My F-i-L's 90Q's 
sunroof is starting to sag

At 06:41 PM 9/17/1999 ,  OorQue@aol.com was inspired to say:
>In Arizona, a dry stream bed full of rocks is called a river and a river with
>water flowing it is called a flood ... although it doesn't rain very often
>Still, it's good to hear that Dan S. survived his bought with Floyd ... btw,
>am I only the only one who thinks this was a funny name for a hurricane?
>Every time I hear it, I keep thinking about the barber on the old Andy
>Griffith TV show...
