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Re: Need Help, Mechanic Troubles Part 2 (Long)

-----Original Message-----
From: Alexander van Gerbig <Audi_80@email.msn.com>

>As some of you may remember I had an independent driveway mechanic install
>my new suspension

This guy has nothing to lose. The mechanics' equivelant of a "sidewalker" (I
think that's the term), a guy commercially buying and selling cars out of
his driveway, with the appearance of a private seller.

Sure his labour is cheap. No facilities, no insurance.....did you get a
receipt? Probably doesn't pay taxes on it either.

(Please don't get on my case about "cash work". I work in the masonry
restoration field, and do cash jobs myself. I keep them small, issue
receipts, and _ensure_ the customer's happy. But, *without* a receipt, I was
never there, see?)

>and remove them.  After this alignment I got slapped with a $439 bill
>because of the extra time to free and remove frozen tie rods, align
>properly, and test drive.

Yoiks! I think you might want to break this down a bit for us...parts
involved here, I hope?...Pricey parts?

I think you're (sorry, friend) screwed.

Stephen Bigelow
e-commerce/ Business Development
IBO # 823967