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Sorting URQ

Thanks to all that responded. This list is _incredibly_ helpful. Hope I can 
return the favor someday.
I have a digital multimeter, and a dwell meter. The fuel pressure gauge setup 
I will need to purchase (not a problem). Whitney was mentioned as a source, 
but any advice as to a "setup" I can buy now (locally, i.e., auto parts store 
or Sears, etc.)? Do certain mfg. make a set with various connectors, etc.? 
Once acquired, where do I hook into the system? Is there an established 
method for tapping into the frequency valve circuit so as not to cut wires, 
Sorry if this sounds like a bunch of dumb questions, but I'm an old 
multi-carburator Weber kinda guy. A piece of tubing (stethoscope), an air 
flow meter, read some plugs-hey it used to be easy.

Dennis Graber