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RE: Marketing misconceptions

Scott said;

Regarding computer differential control.  The problem with a 50/50 locked
center during a turn, is that you have understeer all the time.  What might
be better, is a rear wheel drive car with a front haldex, giving a better
totally computer controlled oversteer character during turning, with slight
understeer at the limit (fully locked).  Heaven help audi if the boys at the
Roundel figure this hang-on clutch thing in a more traditional performance
oriented concept to traction and turning.

Have you ever watched Speedvision when these little AWD demons
(Mits-Lancers? / Bord-Escorts? / ? ) tear around on an indoor concrete track
with four wheels spinning and the negotiation of the course seems to consist
of one continuous all wheel power-slide!

That kind of tickles my fancy.  I guess the torsen has to go - nitrous in -
weight down... maybe my type 44 just needs steroids?

Want the performance - just don't want to drive a rice-burner - OK I want
some of the creature comforts too - leather, 5 passenger & luggage, music
a/c... - damn compromises, I guess I'm getting old ;-)
