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Mirror Attachment Advice Sought

Hi All!

The rear view mirror of my '88 5KTQ fell off.  In my Merkur experience, it is
critical to use a special imported double-stick pad to attach.  Just gluing it
on directly will eventually crack the windshield as it creates a stress point.

By the look of the Audi attachment, they also use a double-stick pad.  Dealer
sez no such pad is listed, but they tried to sell me a mounting plate.  Assuming
that would at least include the pad, I ordered one.  Of course, it had no pad so
I let them keep it. 

All I have heard is to glue it on with rv mirror adhesive.  This can't be right.

Can anyone clear this up for me?  I want to do the job correctly.  Is direct
gluing OK? If I am right about the pad, where can I get one?


Flyoverland, MN

88 5KTQ 4-Sale but looks like it will be a keeper at least for one more winter
as no one will even look at it for $3900 ;-(  Comes a point that one can't
afford to sell!