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Re: Restarting Unused 5I Engine
-=Bob=- wrote:
> I wrote:
> (My other thought was to use an Accusump or similar device to
> > pre-pressurize the system during initial startup. Anyone ever
> > used one of these things?)
> The accusump uses your system pump to pressurize the accumulator. Catch
> 22. ...and its probably not worth installing a dry sump... :)
Ah, but the Accusump (at least) is a pneumatic device, with which you
can do the following:
1) de-pressurize the device;
2) put a couple quarts of oil into it (depends on size);
3) install it into the car's oil system;
4) re-pressurize the device with the valve closed;
5) open the valve immediately prior to turning over the motor.
If a solenoid valve is used, which is attached to the ignition circuit,
then this pre-oiler works at every startup. I've been reading about
these things for a year or more, but haven't seen any btdts to confirm
their usefulness. (Oh, another nice claim is that they prevent oil
starvation in high-G situations, like when leaving a stop light. :)
Eric Fahlgren
The Murphy-Fahlgren Family Try to take over the world.
efhome@adams.com Canton, MI, USA