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Water Injection

Try just after the intercooler, before the intake manifold BUT MOST

Check out the Aquamist (a UK company) website.  In the US Spearco also made
(& I'm guessing still do) water injection kits.
There may be other manufactures as well - Igor should have a line, if not a
patent on a whole industry in Russia :)

Michael Pederson
Two 93 S4's -

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-quattro@audifans.com [mailto:owner-quattro@audifans.com]On
Behalf Of Livolsi, Stephane
Sent: Sunday, September 26, 1999 2:55 PM
To: 'Audi Quattro List'
Subject: RE: Water injection

Please forgive me if I ask about stuff that was previously covered in
this thread, I may not have got it all.  So, what's the verdict from the
listers who have the technical knowledge? Would it be a good idea to
water inject an I5 TQ?  This idea really intrigues me as I too had some
experience with homemade water injection but that was on a 1968
carburated Ford V8.   I imagine since the principal is the same
(internal combustion) it should work on the turbo I5.  The big question
would be where do you inject the water? Cold start valve, maybe?
Stephane Livolsi
180 Yorston St
Williams Lake, BC, V2G 3Z1
ph 250-392-2637
fax 250-392-2693

'86 5KTQ stock (if you don't know what it means, you aren't in the club)

>From:  Fred Munro[SMTP:munrof@isys.ca]
>Sent:  September 26, 1999 5:27 AM
>To:    four_rings@worldnet.att.net; AUDI S Cars Discussion List
>Cc:    Audi Q-list
>Subject:       Re: Water injection
>    Igor's BTDT is right on the money. I did the same thing with my '67
>Rover 2000TC when leaded high octane gasoline was replaced with unleaded
>lower octane. I built a water injection system which added water to both SU
>carbs and I used VW carb jets to control the water flow.
>    It eliminated detonation, seemed to increase HP slightly, improved fuel
>economy, and cleaned the carbon off the pistons and combustion chambers. I
>didn't drive the car in the winter (biodegradable body and all), so
>was not a problem.
>Fred Munro
>'91 200q  281k km
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Igor Kessel <four_rings@worldnet.att.net>
>To: AUDI S Cars Discussion List <audi-s-cars@lists.boldfish.com>
>Cc: Audi Q-list <quattro@audifans.com>
>Sent: Friday, September 24, 1999 7:40 PM
>Subject: Water injection
>> Dave Hedgehog wrote:
>> >
>> > Yes, that was my understanding of water injection, it reduces
>> > temperature (as does nitrious) so allows more fuel and air to be burnt
>> > (increases air density), prevents cylinder head and valve thermal
>> > prevents detonation.
>> and Pantelis Giamarellos wrote:
>> >
>> > Apart from all the things you said, W/I companies also auote cleaning
>> > deposits as an additional advantage.
>> OK, I resisted this thread long enough but it's time for me to chime in
>> as it seems like I am the only one on the List with the real life BTDT
>> on the subject. Both Dave and Pantelis are absolutely correct. BTDT.
>> Back in mid-80s the supply of 93 octane was intermittent in some regions
>> of the Soviet Union. Since I love(d) to travel and at the time owned
>> high compression Ladas I started looking for alternatives. I took advice
>> of a friend engineer working for one of the Government jet fighter
>> manufacturers (I think water injection was used in aviation) and
>> designed and installed the water injection sys on my car.
>> Water, injected through a 0.35 mm needle jet through one of the
>> carburettor hoses did indeed allow me to use the 76 octane without any
>> detonation (pinging). It also increased the power output of the car
>> _dramatically_. Oh, one more thing: the fuel consumption went down as
>> well. Kinda win-win-win situation, sounds too good to be true. I
>> wouldn't believe it myself if did not experience this on my very own
>> car. There's a catch however: I went through the lousy non-SS Lada
>> exhausts like through brake pads. The perpetual condensation/evaporation
>> cycles and hot water vapour turned the exhaust into a regular
>> consumable.
>> It was utterly funny when I would be driving along with some friends
>> when suddenly the engine would break into detonation. I would casually
>> remark:
>> -"$hit, ran out of water!"
>> My passengers, jokingly:
>> -"What, you car runs on water?"
>> -"Yep"
>> I would pop the hood, refill the auxiliary 5L water reservoir (used for
>> the headlight wiper misters) and continue on driving. The pinging is
>> completely gone. My passengers look totally astounded.
>> I finally ditched this system coz in Russia the winter is rather cold
>> and the sys would freeze up. I toyed with the thin Cu tubing wound
>> around the downpipe but it did not take care of the water freezing in
>> the jet. I took the engine apart, removed the pistons and turned them
>> 1.8 mm on the lathe reducing the compression enough to use the low
>> octane gasoline. Lost the power as well but it was better to drive
>> slower than not to drive at all because the 93 octaine was so scarce.
>> A friend of mine drove his water injected car all year round coz he
>> would dissolve a tablet of dry alcohol in the water reservoir,
>> effectively lowering the water crystallisation point. These tablets were
>> sold in Russia in the sporting goods stores, catering to tourists and
>> alpinists who used them as a flame source for cooking meals out in the
>> field.
>> One thing that shocked me when I took the engine apart was a complete
>> lack of any carbonisation. This is no exaggeration, the pistons and the
>> combustion chambers were covered with just a thin film of flat grey
>> oxidised Aluminium. Not a spec of Carbon! That was a first time that I
>> took an engine apart and it had no deposits whatsoever!
>> I have never attempted to install a water injection system on a
>> turbocharged car so please don't regard this post as a wholesale
>> endorsement.
>> --
>> Igor Kessel
>> Two turbo quattros.