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RE: WTB 90q V6 - Lenses ?

These are the non-DOT version of the lens that is installed everywhere but
in the US. I purchased them from Canada when a rock cracked one of my lenses
and the dealer would only sell me the entire assembly.


Jeremy Palenchar-MCSE,CCNA,CCDA  Email: mailto:palenc_j@ins.com
Network Systems Consultant       Page: 800-467-1467 or
INS, Seattle: http://www.ins.com   mailto:6026610@skytel.com
   <--The solution is in the question, not in the answer-->

> -----Original Message-----
> From: PDL James [mailto:pat.james@sympatico.ca]
> Sent: Monday, September 27, 1999 6:30 AM
> To: Jeremy Palenchar
> Cc: Quattro List
> Subject: Re: WTB 90q V6 - Lenses ?
> Greetings;
>         Sorry to interrupt the Email war going on......
> What are EroSpec Lenses on the 90q ? TIA.
> Patrick James
> 95 90q
> Ottawa ,Ontario
> Jeremy Palenchar wrote:
> > Yada Yada
> Snip  - Car stuff
> >
> > EroSpec front headlight lenses
> >
> >