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RE: R-134a Specs Request ('88 5KS)

Christopher said;

> My car is an '88 5KSQ, but I believe your '86 5KCSQ has the same A/C
> system.
> My compressor is the Nippondenso one.  It has a fill valve (Schraeder
> valve)
> on the body of the compressor itself.  A Schraeder (sp?)valve looks like a
> tire fill valve.  The R-134a retrofit fitting screws onto that valve.  It
> should have a black screw-on cover on it.  Just like a tire, only slightly
> larger in diameter.  It is on the front of the compressor.  That is the
> low
> side.
> There is another low side fitting under the low pressure shutoff switch.
> This switch is under the black plastic covering at the bottom of the
> windshield/back of the engine compartment on the passenger side.  Lift up
> the black plastic cover.  You will see it.  The switch has 2 wires going
> to
> it.  It is screwed onto the fill valve, which is screwed onto the grey
> canister thing (reservoir/dryer/accumulator).  You can unscrew the low
> pressure cutoff switch without releasing pressure from the system.
> You can fill from any one of those 2 fittings.  The one near the
> condenser/in front of the radiator is the high side.  DO NOT FILL FROM THE
> HIGH SIDE!!!  VERY DANGEROUS!!!  The can could blow up in your face.  The
> high side can get to 300 psi.
> Before putting the R-134a in, you are supposed to reclaim any remaining
> R-12
> and leave a good vacuum in the system.  Holding the vacuum for an hour or
> so
> will also tell you if the system leaks before you waste refrigerant.  I
> did
> not do this.  R-134a is only $6/can.  If your system was leaking, the R-12
> is probably all gone by now.
> You will need to have the compressor running to charge the system.  If it
> is
> low (It is.), the low pressure cut off switch will not allow the
> compressor
> to run.  To bypass this, jumper the 2 wires I mentioned above.
> 1.  Jumper the wires.
> 2.  Start the car.
> 3.  With the engine running, push the button on the climate control that
> calls for a/c (I forget the name of the button.  It is _not_ the "Economy"
> one.)
> 4.  Push the blue button all the way down through the desired temperatures
> to "LO".
> 5.  The compressor clutch should now be engaged and the compressor
> turning.
> 6.  Fill through one of the low pressure ports.  Put 1 can of R-134a in
> first; then the oil; and, then the remaining cans.  For a total fill, you
> will probably need 3 cans of R-134a.
> If your compressor is not running with the wires jumpered and the climate
> control calling for a/c (as described above), you have problems other than
> a
> low refrigerant charge.
Thanks to All who responded to my pathetic plea.  The recharge worked well.
For all those who have a Delco compressor (I believe 86 and earlier), there
is no low-side service port (schraeder valve) on the compressor, unlike the
Nippendenso unit.  Just do exactly what Christopher outlines above beneath
the lowpressure cut-off switch.  Use a 14mm open end, remove the switch,

The car now blows nice and cold.  If it takes a serious dump, I'll report it
to the list.
Thanks Again,

> Gary Lewis 
> 90 200tqw, Silver and Platinum, 1.8 Bar
> SOLD!!!  88 5kcstq 1.8 bar 110km Pearl w/Fuchs, K24 turbo, 2-piece EM 
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> (818) 586-2469