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RE: snow tires for '00 S4

The real problem you'll have is not the tires but the wheels.  The S4 brakes
are huge and there aren't going to be a lot of wheels that will fit.  I'm
willing to bet the 5 spokes won't.  I believe the new 5 spokes from the A6
2.7T will since I think it has the same brakes.

Try before you buy.

Paul Wilson
98.5 A4 1.8TQSM APR

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-quattro@audifans.com [mailto:owner-quattro@audifans.com]On
> Behalf Of DaveSenu@aol.com
> Sent: Monday, October 04, 1999 5:24 PM
> To: quattro@audifans.com; audi-s-cars@emailsol.com;
> vwpassat@onelist.com; a4@onelist.com
> Subject: snow tires for '00 S4
> Hello fellow q listers,
> I am looking for input on snow tires for audi's. I have a '00 s4 on order
> that I hope to receive the end of November. I am planning on putting the
> Hakkapelitta 1 or Q's on the car on standard 16 inch 5 spoke audi
> wheels.
> Anyone out there have any experience with these tires? The Hakk
> 1's in the
> 205/55 16 come in a T speed rating (max mph 118) and the Q's (which are a
> newer design, are they better?) I assume come in a Q speed rating
> (max mph
> 100) any experience with road noise with either of these? what about dry
> pavement handling?  I assume these tires are much better then the
> blizzaks,
> Michelin Alpins or anything else.
> Hopefully somebody in the snowbelt usa, Scandanavia, Europe or Canada has
> some experience they can share with me.
> Thanks for your help.
> Dave Senum
> Forest Lake MN