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RE: Monkey Lads and Audi God's visit all in the same evening lucky me

Thanks for the info on this, I think I will be going for the dealer exchange part, he was alluding to the fact that exchange meant new, so why bother selling a new part at all, if they are one and the same.???

-----Original Message-----
From:	quk@isham-research.demon.co.uk [mailto:quk@isham-research.demon.co.uk]
Sent:	07 October 1999 23:36
To:	conner@cfm.Ohio-State.edu
Cc:	quattro@audifans.com
Subject:	re: Monkey Lads and Audi God's visit all in the same evening lucky me

In message <> Dave Conner writes:

> The first one, denoted by "A" is the most costly...is it a "new" pump?
> And does "exchange", or AX,  imply rebuilt?
> AX is the least costly by far, so based on that I'd guess it is rebuilt?

Yeah.  You'd think that ...

I just got a turbo for a WR using an AX number.  Rebuilt?  I don't
think so - it was immaculate.  Yeah - you have to return some hardware
to get the price - but is it ever rebuilt, or is Audi's purpose simply
to get the carcase off the market?  Since the warranty on the part is
the same, and warranty service is expen$$$ive, perhaps it pays them to
ship new parts?

 Phil Payne
 UK Audi quattro Owners Club
 Phone: 07785 302803   Fax: 0870 0883933