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Final TAP bypass valve review, FAQ, photos, etc.
- To: "'audi-s-cars@lists.boldfish.com'" <audi-s-cars@lists.boldfish.com>, "'quattro@audifans.com'" <quattro@audifans.com>, "'CenTexVWAudi@pswtech.com'" <CenTexVWAudi@pswtech.com>, "Wunderlich D.P.M., Robert" <Robert@Wunderlich.com>, Todd Williams <toddgw@nortelnetworks.com>, My wheels <mywheels@netxpress.com>, "Tan, Eddy & Tina" <ponthy@yahoo.com>, spencerw@engr.latech.edu, John Reeves <jreeves@inetmail.att.net>, Jimmy Pribble <jpribble@Trammellcrow.com>, "Peel, Robin" <robin@cpwd.com>, "Pavlik, Don" <donph@swbell.net>, "Murray, Michael" <oldhonkytonk@hotmail.com>, "Morgan, John W" <strikker@worldnet.att.net>, "Mann, Joseph" <jmann@living.com>, "Lazarine, Dan" <dlazarine@apa-ed.com>, "Jetkiewicz, John" <JJetko@aol.com>, Peter Haas <Peter.Haas@wcom.com>, "Gregg, Mark" <fides@texas.net>, "Fluhr, Eric" <ejfluhr@austin.ibm.com>, Creeping Evil <creepingevil@yahoo.com>, dries@ect.enron.com, Tracy Dent <rtdent@flash.net>, "Dahlberg, Pete" <pddahlberg@sprintmail.com>, "Bunker, Cary" <CaryB@prodigy.net>, Josh Hildebrand <josh@jedi.net>, kevin_taylor@dell.com
- Subject: Final TAP bypass valve review, FAQ, photos, etc.
- From: Jimmy Pribble <jpribble@Trammellcrow.com>
- Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1999 09:49:30 -0500
- Cc: "'rob_andrews@dell.com'" <rob_andrews@dell.com>
- Sender: owner-quattro@audifans.com
Here is the link to the "final" version of my review of the TAP adjustable
bypass valve: http://pweb.netcom.com/~jkp.mail/TAP%20bypass%20valve.html
This version has photos, a FAQ, and installation instructions. Let me know
if you want to see anything else; for as much as has been written on the
bypass valve, the FAQ seems a little light, but I'm not sure what else I
would add. Also, I wasn't paying attention and I made the scan of the TAP
instruction sheet too big (file size), so it will take a minute to load on
slow connections. I'll fix that tonight.
Best regards y'all,
Jimmy Pribble
1993 /S4 quattro
Jimmy's Audi S4 quattro Pages