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Re: Local Rally Club
In a message dated 10/09/1999 8:30:23 AM !!!First Boot!!!,
dhandas@cwixmail.com writes:
> just happened to be looking for cool roads in MD when I came across this
> site, Branded Rally Club of MD (http://happytogether.com/branded). They are
> a group of road ralliers that participate often with SCCA. Off of their
> there is also a link to the Washington Rally Club
> (http://users.aol.com/WRCRally/wrc.html). They do TSD rallies and the such.
> Just thought I'd let you know, no affiliation etc...
> - Anand Dhanda
Anand and others,
The Branded Rally Club is a member of the Metropolitan Washington Council of
Sports Car Clubs. The clubs in the MWCSCC run from the SCCA to the BMW owners
club to the Corvette Club. Membership in one club allows a person to be
eligible to run in ANY MWCSCC sponsored rally and score points for the entire
Just thought you'd like to know.
Mike Torio
Director, Washington DC Region- SCCA