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Re: Archives are for information - usually

QSHIPQ@aol.com wrote:
> Greg Amy writes:
> >SUBJECT:  Torsen, and Subject Lines
> >Can we *PLEASE* stop changing the Subject Headers on all these silly replies
> >and re-replies for this Torsen thread?!?
> >Methinks someone is very insecure and feels the need to change the Subject
> >so that we read their sniffling drivel instead of sending it automatically
> >into the sheisbin (which is EXACTLY what a lot of us are trying to do.)
> >Please, if you're that insecure, go visit your shrink before you hit the
> >Reply button.
> >GA
> A thought or two on your post, Greg.  In deference to your handy delete key,
> let's take a longer term view regarding your post above.  When the fog and
> personal attacks all clear the hole, you are left with archives.  In those
> archives are *T*rsen* posts that people should be able to retreive with the
> archive search engine, and those that belong in the 'sheisbin'.  I just
> finished a rather exhaustive search engine archive search on this very topic
> (t*rsen) 1.3 years after-fog, and my experience is that the posts that you
> feel belong in the 'sheishbin', just might, in the longer view (yours above
> included).  Hence the preference for a non-t*rsen Subject Header - off topic.

second the motion.  you couldn't even reply to Greg's request without
changing the subject header.

btw, Scott, I do a lot of reading... pretty much all in English.  I
can't even figure out if you are saying anything above (I suspect not). 
Makes me wonder what your content messages are like to read.

please, to make daily use of the list easier on the rest of us, don't
change the subject header unless you are actually changing the subject.

Huw Powell


82 Audi Coupe; 84 4kq; 85 Coupe GT; 73 F250