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RE: Archives are for information - usually

Greg Amy writes:
>SUBJECT:  Torsen, and Subject Lines
>Can we *PLEASE* stop changing the Subject Headers on all these silly replies
>and re-replies for this Torsen thread?!?
>Methinks someone is very insecure and feels the need to change the Subject
>so that we read their sniffling drivel instead of sending it automatically
>into the sheisbin (which is EXACTLY what a lot of us are trying to do.)
>Please, if you're that insecure, go visit your shrink before you hit the
>Reply button.

A thought or two on your post, Greg.  In deference to your handy delete key, 
let's take a longer term view regarding your post above.  When the fog and 
personal attacks all clear the hole, you are left with archives.  In those 
archives are *T*rsen* posts that people should be able to retreive with the 
archive search engine, and those that belong in the 'sheisbin'.  I just 
finished a rather exhaustive search engine archive search on this very topic 
(t*rsen) 1.3 years after-fog, and my experience is that the posts that you 
feel belong in the 'sheishbin', just might, in the longer view (yours above 
included).  Hence the preference for a non-t*rsen Subject Header - off topic.

More specifically, seeing your post above coming up one of the first in the 
archive search on <T*rsen>, must well you with pride.

See the point?

Scott J