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Re: Home-brew wheel alignment 101...
> Twenty thou plus/minus twenty thou with a rig like that? And that's
> only to get within tolerance - doing it accurately you'd have to get
> within five thou at least.
You're looking at the trees and not the forest ... was your car aligned with
you sitting in the driver's seat (and toobox in boot)? Was the ride height
measured (and adjusted) beforehand? How much gas was in the car when it was
aligned? How fresh are the suspension bushings (and on a Type 44, the a/r
bushings especially)? The list goes on...
To answer your question, though: No, I can't align a car more accurately than
to 1/32" using my home-brew method. I also don't think it's possible to align
a suspension full of rubber bushings and parts that swing through conflicting
arcs to .08 degrees, either. Next time your car is aligned, try backing it
off the rack, drive it 50' without turning the steering wheel and put it back
on the rack and see how close the second set of measurements matches the
Still, if you are lucky enough to have found a shop that will put the time in
to align a car to those tolerances, then I am definitely envious. The last
time I took one of my cars to an alignment shop, I was told that the shocks
were dead and needed to be replaced before they could align the car ... they
seemed surprised when I pointed out that I'd just finished installing shocks
*and* struts an hour before I brought the car to them!