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One Touch Up Driver's Window

If you have a '95 A6, or a V8, you can upgrade your car to have the
"one touch up" feature on the driver's window, just like the European 
Audi versions already do.

You may remember that Franco Barber posted something about this some
months ago, talking about his '95 A6.  He figured out that a swap of
the window control unit (relay) and adding one wire would let you 
have "one touch up" on your driver's window.  

Here's the part numbers Franco figured out:

    The original part number in US cars is  441 959 257 B.
    The replacement number you need is      441 959 257 D.

Both are double wide relays, and the old one is black with the 
number 329 stamped on top.  The new one is also black, and has 
the number 347 on top.

The only glitch was getting the European version of the relay.
Franco hunted around and around trying to find someone in Europe that 
could buy and ship him the "D" version relay.  Finally, he found a 
work associate in Rome that sent one over here.  The cost in Italy was
about $160 plus shipping.

Here's the good news - the European relay is now in the US parts system!
Linda at Carlsen can get it to you in only a few days, for just at $200
with their discount.

When you decide to do this, check your window relay for being the
US part number with a "B" shown above.  And before you install the 
European "D" relay you have to put a jumper between relay blade
connectors '61' and '15'.  The connector layout looking at the 
bottom of the "D" relay is like this:

	87b=	86 -		KR =
	81 |	87a=	87 |	TKI|	30=
	85 =	SK -	30a-	61 =	15-

    Code for blade direction and width: 
	| is vertical  ( all vertical blades are wide )
	- is horizontal narrow
	= is horizontal wide

On a '93 V8, the window relay is at the top right of the relay group
located under the front passenger's floorboard.

With this setup, all of your existing functions should be the same, plus
you will have "one touch up" on the driver's window while the ignition
key is turned on.

    - Charlie

Charlie Smith   charlie@elektro.cmhnet.org  614-471-1418  
 http://elektro.cmhnet.org/~charlie/  Columbus Ohio   USA

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