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Re: Alignment

At 11:41 PM 10/13/99 +0100, Jim Haseltine wrote:
>I'm not commenting on the accuracy or validity of any set up or measurements
>We have :-
>Car A, aligned to Audi specifications (vehicle unladen, 1/4 tank etc) which
>does not appear to exhibit a particular handling phenomenon ('spider bite',
>'something strange' - call it what you will).
>Car B, aligned to similar specifications (but with the vehicle loaded to
>driver weight) which appears to exhibit a particular handling phenomenon
>('spider bite', 'something strange' - call it what you will).
>Following the argument that the rubber components in the suspension distort
>when the car is loaded, car A will have a different alignment when driven,
>whereas any change in the alignment of car B will be much smaller, perhaps
>very close to no change.
>Could this be why car A doesn't bite but car B does?
>May be there are valid reasons behind the Audi specifications after all. Of
>course the one thing that we can't do is to drive car A without adding a
>drivers weight and see if it bites - telekinesis anybody?
>Jim Haseltine
Could it be that team doorhandle designed the suspension to account for
such things as the average driven load, the crown of the road, tire wear, etc?

Kneale Brownson