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Re[2]: 5k steering and brake retrofit
Yes, there is a check valve in the vacuum line to the vacuum brake booster, I
grabbed this with the parts from the junk yard. By the way, this is how this
was done on the pre 1984 Audi turbo 5k series, and turbo diesels also. The
vacuum brake booster is a vacuum reservoir in itself, cut one apart and look to
see how it works, it is a sealed can.
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Subject: Re: 5k steering and brake retrofit
Author: Brett Dikeman <brett@pdikeman.ne.mediaone.net>
Date: 10/14/99 7:43 PM
Er, why did you install a vacuum-assisted braking system in a
turbocharged car? I certainly hope that at the very least, you
installed a sizeable vacuum reservoir and a check valve, not to
mention appropriate sensors to detect loss of vacuum, wired to the
auto check system!
Call me skeptic, but there's a reason Audi went to a hydraulic system
when they started turbocharging the cars...
At 5:33 PM -0400 10/14/99, blarson@zeiss.com wrote:
>Hello list,
> I have just started driving my 1987 5kcstq after a successful
>conversion to
>1983 steering rack, power steering pump, hoses, and vacuum brake booster.