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Re: Manual Steering Rack, Brake Booster on a 5ktq/Type 44?

The family CD shows a manual steering rack was fitted to the 1978-84 Audi
100 (US 5000) and to the 1984-88 Audi 100 (US 5000).

According to the CD, the 84-86 Audi 100 (5000) cars used a 443-419-063A,
after VIN 44 G-024419 the 443-419-063B is used.

The rack mounting for the 1978-84 5000 is the same as the later 84-888
5000, the ZF rebuilt catalog shows the same rebuilt rack unit for the
1978-88 5000 which raises the question whether the rebuilt racks were
re-sealed to work with either ATF or with Pentosin.  

Reportedly some of the early 1978-84 5000 may have been brought in with
manual steering, but to date, no one I know has seen one in the US. None of
my local wrecking yards could locate any in the other US yards. Possibly
these were used in Canada.

I looked into getting a manual rack from Germany for a 5kTQ track car I am
putting together, but gave up after realizing the manual rack would likely
require more steering wheel turns for lock to lock (L/R) operation.

I am currently running the 5kTQ track car with the power steering rack, but
with no P/S pump. I connected the piston return lines together to allow
fluid to go back and forth inside the rack. The steering effort at low
speeds, is uh, really difficult, but once you are moving, it is fine. I may
end up re-installing the pump after testing the car on the track with wide
tires. I don't recommend this for a street driven, daily driver unless you
or your wife looks like Arnold Swarzenagger. The power steering rack may
not appreciate this sort of "manual" treatment over time as well.

I also installed a vacuum brake booster out of a 1981 5000 Turbo Diesel
which bolted right in, and has the same mounting dimensions and push rod
length as the hydraulic assist unit. The vacuum booster is very large, 2-3
times the normal vacuum booster assembly. So far, the brake assist works
fine, although I don't do any left foot braking at the moment. The only
downside is the reduced "reserve" brake boost with the engine off, it only
takes a few pumps to deplete the vacuum inside the booster unit. An
additional reservoir could help this a bit.

I don't recommend anyone else doing these sort of changes to their 5k, but
the mad scientist in me, requires that I try them out.

Scott Power-less Mockry
1987 5kTQ mit centre Schloss Getriebe und hinter Schloss
1989 200TQ mit Torsen Getriebe und hinter Schloss
1984 A2 ur-q Rally Car on loan, mit viele Kevlar und grosse Turbolader
1985 4000S mit blownen headengasket
1986 VW Bug mit missen engine