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Manifold ground info

    The brown double-wire ground that is attached to the manifold is the one 
that goes to the ECU. Is it supposed to be direct? Reason for asking is that 
I checked it against pin 35 of the ECU tonight and got +12v. Then I 
disconnected the ground wire from the manifold -- and measured +5v on the 
DMM.... Is this part of my problem or is that what I'm supposed to see?
    Also, I may have a problem in the connector itself. After some tinkering 
this evening I put the ECU back in place. I intended to crank the car, but 
the computer showed 2.1 bar. So I checked all the connections under the hood, 
nothing loose. Same reading. I removed and reattached the ECU, still the 
same. Then did that one more time (OK, so I'm stubborn...) and then the 
computer showed the proper 0.9 bar and the engine would start. So, does this 
mean I need to consider replacing that stupid connector? Or is there a 
simpler solution. [BTW, I **LOVE** simple. ;-) ]

    Thanks for any assistance.