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RE: A New Look at Torsens
Phil just tossed in # 5...
> In message
> <BBF46448A508D2118CCA00805F156E930272781D@xch-cpc-01.rdyne.bna.boeing.com>
> "Lewis, Gary M" writes:
> > So, has anyone thought of any new reasons why spiders bite here (USA)
> and
> > not there (UK, NZ, Greece?{Pantelis?})?
> Bad translation by Bentley?
> I only have the ur-quattro running gear microfiche here. In both
> English and German there is an error that was corrected by a Bulletin to
> be filed in the microfiche folder.
> So much is copied between the hydraulic lifter quattro microfiches (the
> ur-quattro gearbox fiche refers the reader to the 200Q fiche in several
> places) that it's entirely possible such an error also exists (or
> existed at one time) in the 200Q fiche. I don't know - I have to view a
> copy.
> I also don't know why the US source for this information in Bentley -
> all of the material is available in English on real Audi microfiche.
> Audi, though, send out periodic corrections. Does Bentley?
Can anyone post up questions on a web page for me?? All text hopefully...