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Re: power steering hoses on 5000tq--Help!!

On Mon, 18 Oct 1999 17:35:05 -0600 Guerin Lee Green
<guegreen@westresearch.com> writes:

>I'm really struggling with getting (newly rebuilt) steering hoses 
>on the  steering rack.
>There is zero room for manuver, and I can't get the frontmost (19mm)
>banjo bolt reattached.
>suggestions, tips anyone? the frustration and the bloody knuckles 
>have reached a zenith.

Well, having just gone through the rack dilema twice in the last few
months (defective rebuilt rack installed).  My experience is with the NA
(normally aspirated) 5KS, so I may be off base in your turbo.  By
removing the windshield washer bottle, there is enough room to sneak in a
socket extenstion bar from the passenger side, over the rack (about a two
foot long one), after the bar is in place, you have to put a universal
19mm on the end. (the univerwsal will not fit through attached to the
extension.) Place the socket over the banjo bolt and tighten it up with a
ratchet.  You may need a helper to turn the ratchet while you make sure
the socket is on the banjo bolt.  You HAVE to use a universal socket
(preferably a short impact style), a regular socket with a separate
universal doesn't fit.  



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