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Re: Cupholders --- some fresh ideas.

Phil Payne wrote:
> > Hee hee.... I usually put my beverage on the bodywork under where the of the
> > hood attaches above the grill work... I typically put my bolts/nuts/tools
> > there while working. With the beer there, I am guranteed not to inadvertantly
> > knock any hardware to the ground... (Murphy's law always applies when
> > hardware falls to the ground)...
> I put them in the gutters in the fenders, approximately level with
> where I removed them from.  The cam is the centreline - left of cam to
> the left, right of cam to the right.  Roger and I use the same system,
> so we can swap cars halfway through a job.

> sounds like a good technique.  where do you put the tools, I tend to let
> them clutter up the "gutters" and front metal, and put the hardware
> behind me on a cart.  I suppose the tools (and spare parts) should be on
> the cart.

I like to use one of those magnetic steel bowls (steel bowl with a plastic covered
magnet on the bottom) to hold bolts and sockets, sometimes even extensions and small
wrenches. The only pain is finding a place to stick it, usually it goes just above a
headlight, plenty of exposed steel there.
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Of course I don't look busy, I did it right the first time.
Todd Young              WAM!NET Inc.
tyoung@wamnet.com       655 Lone Oak Drive, Bldg#A
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'93 Audi 90S(|___\====OOOO====/___|)