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RE: Playing in Pueblo
Yeh, I'm pretty happy with the times. Since I last saw you at Pueblo, we've
made several changes to the car - replaced the K24 with a rebuilt stock K26,
replaced the brake pads with Pagid (orange front, blue rear), and fitted
Kumhos for the track. Plus, our fastest times were run with the center diff
locked, the first time we've tried this on a dry track. Also, we've both
learned the Pueblo track somewhat and the weather was optimal that day
(about 20 degrees cooler than last time).
My friend Dave, the ex-Formula Mazda racer, said the car was still pushing,
so we're going to set a little more toe-out (unfortunately, camber is maxed
at -1 degree in front). The front brakes are still the weak link. For this
Thursday's event at Second Creek, I'm going back to Pagid orange with
non-cryo-treated rotors, since I've had the best luck with this setup. I'm
still looking for a 4-piston setup that will fit under 15x7.5" wheels.
Dave has little experience at Pueblo, but feels confident he can do 1:50 if
we fix the understeer and brakes. Me, I'd be happy with 1:54. For comparison
purposes, GT3 cars turn around 1:53 during a race, and their track record is
Gary Kaklikian
86 4kcstq
86 5kcstq
-----Original Message-----
From: Bruce Bell [mailto:bbell04@ibm.net]
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 1999 12:00 AM
To: Kaklikian, Gary; 'Lawson, Dave'
Cc: 'quattro list'
Subject: RE: Playing in Pueblo
Turning 1:56 at pueblo is pretty impressive! And 1:53 is incredible for a
4kq with an MC! I remember visiting you there last August when you were
turning 2:20+ and complaining about the brakes. To put all this in
perspective, a year ago last July some of us watched an M3 with Racing
yoko's and modded suspension turn 1:58's while its nemesis, a lowly A4 with
K04, updated IC, exhaust, Alcon brakes and R1's turn a very respectable
1:55! Two weeks before that I saw a formula Vee turn in the 1:58 range so
you are in very good company! My stock (almost) 4kq turned 2:24 until the
coil overs were installed then I got it down to a 2:12.
Did you replace the K24? I know you were thinking about a hybrid.
Regarding your current brake complaints, the shudder in the front and the
locking of the rears, I wonder 1) if the shudder might be due to flex in the
brackets (you point out that no one else complains of this, Pat Martin and
Dave Lawson both have struts for which the G60 is a direct bolt-on) and 2)
if the rears are locking merely because the back end is so much lighter than
the front under heavy braking. That is, perhaps you need more rebound
dampening in the rear.
Just a thought or two and let me know (you too Dave) next time you go to
pueblo to play!!!