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RE: Wrong Greg/Public apology... (was: Pikes Peak Debate)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Greg Amy [mailto:grega@pobox.com]

> Please read that message again. You attacked Greg Johnson,
> not me (Greg
> Amy).

Nope. That message was intended as pure humor. Intended to poke fun at the
double/triple entendre of over/under bet/steer and under sleep. I _did_ use
a smiley.

If you don't like the way Scott behaves on this list, then you are free to
criticize. the posts are all out there for everyone to see. You should not
however post unfounded comments about Scott's driving or any thing else for
which you have no first hand knowledge. I chose to defend Scott's driving
ability and challenge you based on my personal experience and direct

> You, Bruce, have more information to base a sound judgment
> on Justusson.

Prior to meeting Scott for the first time at Steamboat, his "reputation"
preceded him, both another lister (who is now a close friend of Scott) and I
wondered what the weekend would bring. After meeting him that weekend and at
subsequent meetings we found him to be an honest, knowledgeable and
enjoyable person to be around (albeit he does have a healthy ego :-)

> But if I were a close friend of Scott's as you claim to be,
> I'd certainly be
> looking at the way he handles himself in public before
> standing up to defend
> that behavior.

I don't agree with all of Scott's posts. I do like him as a person though
and I'm certainly not afraid to be seen with him in public. He has
contributed considerable knowledge to this list over the past 5-6 years.
