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Re: Various 96 A6Q questions

Hairy green toads from Mars made EHoeffs@aol.com say:

> Hey guys. I just got this car and have several questions. Thanks in advance 
> for your help. 

Well, I have a '95 A6Q Avant, can answer some of these questions.

> 1. My car is not equipped with any winter package items. I am interested in 
> heated windshield nozzles and heated door lock. Can they be retrofitted and 
> how easy is it?

Don't know about this, probably can be done with lots of wiring.

> 2. Can the fog lamp bulbs be upgraded to 100W without damage to the glass?

No idea. I'm considering junking mine and replacing them with
some PIAA, maybe the 1200's, mounted in the bottom airdam where
they belong. Foglamps up at headlight level are USELESS.

> 3. Is 23 MPG normal on a long trip traveling 70-80 MPH?

I wish! I barely get 20! But then, I have:
  1) An Avant
  2) An automatic
  3) A leadfoot :-)

> 4. Can Keyless entry be retrofitted?

No idea.

> 5. I was told that there are no aftermarket CD changers for the non-Bose 
> system.  Dealer only? I only want a changer that will work with the factory 
> controls. Dealer quoted me $620.


I assume you have the standard Blaupunkt unit? Mine never even got
put in the car. Dropped in a nice Kenwood CD head unit, not a changer.
But there are TONS of units out there. Go to any decent car audio
shop and they can fit you nicely.

> 6. My owners guide says that the passenger side mirror will "dip" when the 
> car is put into reverse. Mine does not. Any suggestions on a fix?

Mine says this too, but my mirror doesn't either. I assume some
cars just didn't get it.

> 7. I will be moving to Minnesota in a few months. Any snow-tire 
> recommendations?

Don't use them.

> 8. Will snow chains be necessary with the Quattro system?

No. Don't use chains. Use snows if you need to, studs MAY be
necessary if you have LOTS of ice. But don't use chains unless
you commute through Donner Pass on I-80....


Andrew L. Duane (JOT-7)			duane@zk3.dec.com
Compaq Computer Corporation		(603)-884-1294
110 Spit Brook Road
M/S ZKO3-3/U14
Nashua, NH    03062-2698

Only my cat shares my opinions, and she's too psychotic to express it