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Re: New 5kq clutch is slipping ???

Gisli searches:
>I keep coming back to the threaded pin on the master cylinder.  There
>is currently *zero* free play in the clutch, i.e., if I touch the
>clutch at all, it slips more.  It would therefore seem that I need to
>allow the master cylinder to extend more, but the threaded pin is
>already fully screwed into the clutch pedal.  I cannot see any way of
>getting more extension without shortening this pin.

I believe the master cylinder can only be a problem if it does not fully
release hydraulic pressure.  I believe the threaded pin is to adjust the
cylinder so it returns to the fully open position, where it communicates
with the reservoir, and allows the pressure in the slave cylinder to be

If you put the car into gear with the engine off, and release the pressure
between the slave and master cylinders by bleeding the hydraulic line at the
master cylinder, you should be in a situation where the master cylinder's
one likely problem has been eliminated.  If you now start the car in gear
and drive without the clutch, even in first gear, you should be able to
determine of the clutch still slips.

If it still slips after you bleed, the problem is not in the master
cylinder.  If the slipping is not there, then the master cylinder is indeed

You might need to leave the hydraulic line open at the clutch master
cylinder to make sure is is not involved -- in effect, take the master
cylinder out of the equation.  This can be messy :-)  You will also need to
bleed the clutch hydraulics to get any air out after this test.

Warm up the car first, and park it on flat stretch for this test.  If you
can find a slight downhill, you can start the car in second gear if first
gear does not slip.  Or you can shift without the clutch to any gear to make
it slip.

Anyone have a better way to test for this?


Bernard Littau
Woodinville, WA
'88 5kcstq