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Re: Check engine light on
Block, Paul writes:
> Sorry to be asking, as I'm sure the answer to this is in the archives, but I
> currently don't have access to www.
> The check engine light on my 88 5ksq just started lighting up. It doesn't
> matter if the car is hot or cold, as soon as car reaches 2000 rpm the light
> comes on and then stays on, until I turn off the key and restart. The car
> still seems to run ok, but I have not been driving it much since the light
> started coming on (switched to my 'trusty rusty 4kcsq'). I have been unable
> to locate any vacuum leaks, broken wires or other obvious causes.
> Previously, the light never came on, with the exception of when I first
> turned on the ignition, and all warning lights light up for a few moments.
The check engine light means that there is a fault detected by the
engine ECU. To determine the nature of the fault you must dump the
codes. You have an MC code engine, so go to Scott Mockry's web site
for code dumping instructions:
96 A4 2.8 quattro
84 5000S 2.1 turbo
80 4000 2.0
/// Ti Kan Vorsprung durch Technik
/// AMB Research Laboratories, Sunnyvale, CA. USA
/// ti@amb.org
////// http://metalab.unc.edu/tkan/