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Driveshaft vibes

>From: David Head <dave.head@worldnet.att.net>
>Subject: Driveshaft vibes
>After replacing the center bearing on the 200q with a 325 part and mig
>welding the tangs on, I've got bad vibes - after a few attempts to shim
>already. Worst is 28-38 mph, lesser at all speeds above.
>Compounding the problem is the fact I can't say my mech marked
>orientation on the driveshaft - meaning I could have a balance problem
>in addition/instead.

I think you're right about the mech not marking the orientation on the
drive shaft. It *does* sound like it might be a balance problem. The shims
are just for alignment up and down, the tangs are slotted for alignment
right to left. I *just* happen to have a known good drive shaft out and on
the floor - you might want to drive up here and take a peek and some

There's also a guy here in town "Gary's Drive Line", who works on jacked-up
redneck pickup trucks. I spoke with him once about the Q driveshaft, and he
said he'd be glad to look at it. He has a good reputation here about
solving driveshaft problems. I had the same problem as you; the guy who
took it apart never bothered to mark alignment, and he also lost some bits,
so I bought a replacement shaft from Chris Semple.

Best Regards,

Mike Arman