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Audi obsession afternoon
Hi all,
A good way to spend your Sunday afternoon- sitting in front of the
bookcase/Audi shrine, cataloguing all your Audi brochures, books, models
etc. A good thing, because now I know what's lacking in my collection and
what I'd really like to have. I didn't go as far as to analyze all the
magazines with Audi content (some 200) or the discarded/superseded tech
manuals and fiches I got from the dealership- that'd cost me the bast part
of a week. Look forward to the information on my site sometime next week.
This isn't intended to brag about my collection (why would I? I'd better
get a life first...) but as a source of info for fellow collectors and for
people who need info about the models I have the brochures for.
I'd also like to photograph all my Audi models someday, but that'll take a
lot of time, too. Maybe when I get the new model display case I've been
promising myself for the last year...
Another project I've been working on is a section on my site that explains
Audi factory model codes, complete with pics and model years. I've got the
Euro model years, but would like someone's input on US model years.
B1 Audi 80/Fox (when did the face lift arrive in the US?)
B2 Audi 80/90/4000 (type 81) and Coupe/CGT/UrQ (type 85)
B3 Audi 80/90 (type 89) and Coupe/Quattro/S2 (type 89)
B4 Audi 80/90 (US-only), Coupe/RS2
C1 Audi 100
C2 Audi 100/5000 (type 43)
C3 Audi 100/200/5000 (type 44)
C4 Audi 100
Does anyone know the type numbers (like the ones in brackets) for the
earlier cars? Info will be online when it's complete, hopefully somewhere
next week.
TIA for your input,
(still busy obsessing)
Tom Nas Zeist, The Netherlands
1987 Audi 90q 2.3E, Tizianrot metallic, 169,000km
Tell a man there are 300 billion stars in the universe and he'll believe
you. Tell him a bench has wet paint on it and he'll have to touch to be