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Front Speakers in 4ksq...Happy Ending

Many thanks to all those who replied.

Yes, basically what is involved is 
1. Remove bottom panels and glove box.
2. Remove or move air ducts.
3. Remove 2 screws and remove speakers.
4. Speaker attachment is non-standard and requires
modification to receive new 3 1/2 inch speakers.
5. New 3 1/2 inch 2-ways will not fit under existing
grill and it has to be raised a bit from flush with
the dash.
6. New speakers sound a whole lot better than what was
in there since they were blown and did not even
match...I suspect dealer may have substituted
mismatched under warranty????
7. Your help was so good, I just forwarded the emails
to my 18 year old, who lets me drive it less and less
:^(, and that night when I got home he told me how it

Thanks again,
'85 4ksq


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