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Re: 944 turbo after-run pump report

Thats great Dan,
	Let us know how it holds up.

	Todd Phenneger
	1983 ur-q / black / getting a MC
	1984 4000 quattro / modified/ turbo conv almost done.
	1987 4000 quattro / Saphire Metallic Blue/ Girlfriend's
	1996 A6q / Volcano / Dads Car
   *****1985 5kt / PARTING OUT!

On Sun, 24 Oct 1999, Daniel Hussey wrote:

> Well gang,
> I know I was supposed to report on this but I just got the chance to install
> it this afternoon.  As many of you know, I decided to find a lighter and
> more stock alternative to the Shogun and the OE after-run coolant pumps.
> Well, what I decided on was a stock 944 turbo pump.  I got mine used for
> $35, but can be hand BRAND NEW for $97 from Parts Heaven (a great Porsche
> parts resource).
> So, I installed it today.  It is about the same size and shape of the OE
> pump (which makes me belive they are not much different in desighn), but are
> definatley different manufacturers.  It fits perfectly in the stock
> location.  It does require splicing the wires as the connectors are
> completely different.
> It appears the Audi pump has two positive leads (not sure why) which were
> plugged into one side of the Audi connector, single ground was the other.
> So, I twisted the two red positive wires together at the end and connected
> it up with the positive (black) wire off the new Porsche pump using a butt
> connector.  I connected the ground (brown) of the Audi connector to the
> ground (brown) wire off the Porsche pump with another butt connector.
> That's it!  Oh, and no hose adapters needed!!!!!!  Just plug it up.  Oh,
> just take off the coolant reservoir cap to release some pressure from the
> system or you may end up with hot coolant all over the place like me when
> taking off the old coolant lines.  You may have to top up your expansion
> tank if this happens.  I was actually glad it happend as it gave me a chance
> to add more coolant (vs. water) to the mixture for winter.  Took me a little
> longer, but will probably take a competent individual all of 20-30 minutes
> to install.  Very easy.
> As for whether it works.... Yes, it does!!!!  It seems to work quite well
> (at least compared to my old one).  I, of course, really can't tell HOW
> well.  And, can't really compare it to the Shogun pump as I never hooked
> that one up.  To check whether your old pump is working (or in my case, to
> test the new one) disconnect the negative wire off the radiator fan, then
> pull off the two wires that connect on the temp sender at where the upper
> rad hose connects to the block.  Right there you will see two wires...
> disconnect them both and pull back the sheathing to expose the female plugs.
> Touch them together and you should hear the pump turn on and cycle coolant.
> Touch it and feel both the hoses for coolant flow...you should be able to
> kinda feel coolant flowing through them.  The reason I say to disconnect the
> rad fan is it is too noisy to hear the pump over (it would turn on when
> those wires are connected as well).  BTW, It's a 10mm nut that holds the
> negative wire on the back of the rad fan if that saves you a minute
> searching for the right size wrench or socket.
> Well, all I can say is my Porsche turbo aux coolant pump seems to work fine.
> I can't say whether it would work better than a new Audi one, but I
> guaruntee you it can work no worse and I think it's probably a little bit
> better.
> BTW, I cheaped out and bought a used part (I was lucky though) but it is
> reccomended that you buy a new one.  As I stated before, you can get a NEW
> 944 turbo coolant pump from Parts Heaven for $97.  This is cheaper than the
> OEM Audi pump and it is about the same price as some places wanted for used
> ones!  List is like $149, and so I think Parts Heaven has the best deal
> around.  No affiliations, just stating what I found.  Their number is
> 1-800-767-7250.  Sorry I don't have a part number but tell them you want a
> new 944 turbo after-run coolant pump.  They will know it.
> Hope this helps some people and may be an alternative to those who don't
> want to use the Shogun pump.  I just wanted to see if it works and it works
> beautifully.  IMHO, the Shogun pump is too big, too heavy, and a little
> overkill for this application, but it can't hurt.  I just would rather have
> something that fits in the stock location.  But, if anyone wants a Shogun
> pump, I will sell you mine for $70 (I paid $75 a month ago).
> Later,
> Dan
> '89 200tq ... Porsche after-run coolant pump which is actually pumping!  :)