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RE: 4K Q exhaust questions

Jouko thanks, illustrates my point, if I were planning to sell my car within
a year I might consider a "mild steel" exhaust. Let's do the math, a mild
steel exhaust costs about $300 US or about $150 per year. On the other hand
a Stainless steel system costs about $800 or $72 per year.  I have had my
car for 12 years, no reason I can think of to sell it now.

> My UrQ exhaust is 11 years and 390 000 km old, and the first
> box is just
> starting to show a little surface flaking.
> Jouko Haapanen
> Pori, Finland
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bruce Bell <bbell04@ibm.net>
> >The factory exhaust on my car ('87 4kq) lasted a good 6
> years. I purchased
> >an aftermarket exhaust from Blau (Ansa?) and it was shot in
> less than 2
> >years.