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URQ head numbers- HELP

My URQ head is junk. So says the machine shop man. Several cracks that are 
way deep and way wide.
So- I need to know the difference between the spare head I have, 035 103 
373AB (reportedly from a 5KT), and the head from my car which is number 035 
103 373G.
Does anyone have a source for a rebuildable (or rebuilt) URQ head?
Phil Payne posted that the 373G is an MB head, and a WR head is 351B. In 
laymen's terms what cars do these belong to? Is the WR motor the correct URQ 
What number head do I need, and where can I obtain same? Are there other 
heads that will interchange and perform as well? A lot of questions I know, 
but I'm sinking slowly into the Quattro quagmire.

Getting knee deep in the Qhoopla,