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RE: Re: Adding fuel

In message <0.8ba4cb57.2548b5e1@aol.com> QSHIPQ@aol.com writes:

> Hey Phil,
> We all understand your position with or without documentation to back it up.

How can I document the absence of something?

> Right now, Dave E is putting forth a great effort to *try* to
> understand the phenomenon, from the relevent documentation.

My impression was that Dave was trying to make _you_ understand.  There
seems little wrong with his own understanding.

> You have decided that personal experience is enough.

Yup.  I think my original statement of: "It flat doesn't happen" perhaps
needs some qualification.

         "It flat doesn't happen on a properly aligned car."

I'm sorry, but I was trained as a scientist.  About a third of my course
was about experimentation and measurement science.  Ever since then -
if it can't be demonstrated, it don't exist.  Theories are developed to
support experimental results, and are _never_ accepted unless the
proving experiment can be repeated at will by any other worked in the
field.  Both my cars have Torsens - neither exhibits spider bite.

It has to be something else.  Since our hardware is identical, it's
either the way it's set up or it's the way we're using it.

To claim that an obvious defect of the magnitude of the proposed spider
bite still exists without recalls in tens or hundreds of thousands of
vehicles being driven all over the globe beggars belief.  This mailing
list is the world wide sole source of any such suggestion.

 Phil Payne
 UK Audi quattro Owners Club
 Phone: 07785 302803   Fax: 0870 0883933