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Aftermarket steering wheel?

>From: PlyBoyDoct@aol.com
>Subject: Re: Aftermarket Steering Wheel?
>The light stays on.  Thats the problem.  They told me after they put in the 
>new modulator,(Which was done for the recall),  The modulator turn on the 
>airbag light and said that the airbag is no good.  They told me that they 
>also reseted it a few times.  They also told me that AUDI airbags then to
>after 10 years.  Even porsches airbag die every tem years.  This is from a 
>well known dealership in the Seattle area.  Thanks for the reply!

Jason, amigo, you are not listening to your friends here on the list!

Car dealers want exactly one thing from you. One thing. That is to get as
much money as possible out of you by fair means or foul (foul is preferred
- it is more lucrative) until you get pissed off and buy something else,
whereupon the dealer for the something else starts the process all over again.

If a car dealer tells you the sun is shining, you are well advised to go
outside and check this for yourself.

It IS possible to determine when a car dealer is lying to you: If you watch
very carefully, you can see his lips move.

No one really KNOWS when an air bag "goes bad". Does this mean it won't
inflate when needed? Does it mean it will blow up in your face, unprovoked
(Unintended inflation thread warning!)? The dealer is covering his behind
because he thinks the air bag MIGHT be "BAD" in some unspecifed way. The
fact that it will cost YOU $900, paid to HIM, is just added incentive for
him to tell you that "yew gonna die, boy" unless you buy "X" right now.

If this whole mess makes you nervous, go to a junkyard and buy the best
looking non-airbag OEM Audi steering wheel and horn button assembly you can
find, and bolt it onto your car. Expect to pay no more than $50, tops!
(I've bought them for $5!)

Best Regards,

Mike Arman