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85KTQ Dash Lites Problem-"Livolsi, Stephane"<livols1@investorsgroup.com


First, one of the original "all Audi's have it" problems is the increase in
ohmic resistance of switch contacts due to contamination resulting in the
failure of many things.  A common one is the failure of window lifters;
almost always it's the switch or the multitude of connectors. There is a
super, and expensive, degreaser sold by Audi for cleaning contacts whose
name escapes me, but I'm sure another lister will be able to furnish it.
Lacking that, Radio Shack sells a good degreaser which has worked fine for
me;  depending on where you live it might be a pump or an aerosol.  Applying
the spray judiciously directly to the contacts will solve most contact high
resistance problems.

The second part is that all bulbs must be replaced if their filaments are
open;  no switch fix will make the burned out ones light up.
