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Re: Engine cleaning tips
You might want to check the archives for this summer, Mark. Someone posted
about that time regarding having sprayed off the engine bay of their
recently-acquired Audi and then experiencing just about every type of
electronics failure possible with the car. At least take apart every
electrical connection in the engine bay, clean the contacts with a good
quality electrical contact cleaner and coat with a dielectric grease to
prevent corrosion. The guy who posted this summer said he never has
problems spraying off his other Audi engines, but they've had the
electrical contact treatment described here.
Kneale Brownson
At 12:16 PM 10/29/99 -0500, Mark L. Chang wrote:
>I've never cleaned an engine before, but with the addition of the 20v to
>the stable, I feel compelled to give it a once over.
>Any pointers? I'm sure as heck not going to just grab a bottle of Simple
>Green and start hosing it down. Thus, I'd love some input from people
>that have successfully accomplished this task of completely vanity.
> A file that big?
> It might be very useful.
> But now it is gone.
> -- David J. Liszewski