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Re: Lousy AM band reception

At 7:37 PM -0400 10/29/99, Ryan Gemmill wrote:

>The speakers are definetily there.

Is it a 200q20v sedan?  Then the only speaker that will be in the 
dash is -one- speaker, and it's for the phone only.  It doesn't do 
anything else.  I think it's passenger side, I don't remember.  My 
car has the "delete phone" option, so there is nothing there at all.

>Where did you get the idea that a rear speaker wasn't working? They both
>work fine. Thanks.

They have a -very- high failure rate, and the first thing that 
usually happens in the failure "cycle" is one simply goes quiet; this 
isn't the easiest thing in the world to pick up on if you never ride 
back there :)

> > On the reception problem, I did post my experience before, and the follow
> > about making sure that there is power to the antenna amp was an excellent
> > one.  You can easily teel whether the problem is in the cable or the amp

Hmm.  I just looked in my Bently...here's what it says, in case you 
don't have one.

The rear antenna is the rear window defroster wiring.  There's a 
control unit on the passenger side(I think; they say "right".)  The 
top connector is the power supply from the radio, and looks like 
plastic connector.  The bottom connector, which has a grommet and 
looks rubberized, is the power supply for the heating element.   The 
test instructions say to check fuse S16 first, remove both D pillar 
trim panels, check connectors.  Switch on radio and connect meter 
between the connector for the power to the amp and ground, should get 
battery voltage, otherwise, "repair broken wiring".

There are a couple other tests, one involves testing how much juice 
the amp is drawing through the power connection to the radio.  Spec 
is between 30 and 50ma.  They also say to test current draw through 
the heater wires with the defroster switch turned on; spec is 
13-13.5A; less probably indicates broken wires.  Unfortunately, they 
only list extensive diagnostics for the rear; for the front, it's 
simply test-for-battery-voltage at the power connector, and if you 
get it, replace the front amp.


Brett Dikeman
Artel Software				617-451-9900
381 Congress Street			617-451-9916(fax)
Boston, MA 02210				http://www.borisfx.com