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Re: Type 44 Single Pass Intercoolers in US?

I was sort of joking on the KH-2.  The motor is the same.  I was implying
the difference bewtween the water cooled and the earlier oil-cooled (air
cooled) turbo KH.  Thats what I meant.  I know the engine was the
same.  Your right about the Crossovers, ehck, my Water Cooled KH still has
the earlier 84' harness even though its from an 85' 5kt.  And that harness
has no OXS Sensor Heater where the Newer KH harness does.  
	But I dont get you comment on the first MC being a 2,144 cc
engine. With a Mac-07.  You just described my motor.  And I looked on the
side of the block.  Its a KH out of an 85' 5kt.  Whats the difference
between thes KH and the MC that sounds exactly the same??  I'm not trying
to say your wrong, I'm just a little confused.  Whats the difference?

	Todd Phenneger
	1983 ur-q / black / getting a MC
	1984 4000 Turbo quattro (Faster than your average 4kq)
	1987 4000 quattro / Saphire Metallic Blue/ Girlfriend's
	1996 A6q / Volcano / Dads Car
   *****1985 5kt / PARTING OUT!
  *	http://www.uidaho.edu/~phen9461/motorsports.htm

On Thu, 2 Dec 1999, Sachelle Babbar wrote:

> You're wrong. i've made numerous corrections about this. The kh came out
> for the early 84 model year and due to that year being split, there are
> differences in parts between the early and late 84. The early 85 is a kh
> that should follow the patterns of the late 84 with certain crossovers
> going to the early 86 as did the late 85 mc. The mc for late 85 may have
> been mislabelled on certain stickers, but the engine (with the watercooled
> turbo) is only an mc.
> Your suggestion of the existance of more than one incarnation of the kh
> motor is wrong. I've spent three years, along with my experience of owning
> these particular models figuring out what goes in what. Very tricky, but
> that's why I have a dozen or so German and aftermarket parts lookups and
> oem parts number tables.
> ****************************************************************************
> *Steve                                             Sachelle Babbar
> *'87  5000CS Turbo 5spd 1.3-2.0 bar             <SBABBAR@IRIS.NYIT.EDU>
> *Cockpit adjustable wastegate, AudiSport badge
> *
> *Disclaimer:"Any information contained herein is based purely on my own
> *personal experience and may not necessarily reflect yours. Use caution as
> *your results may vary from mine."
> ********************************************************************************
> On Thu, 2 Dec 1999, Todd Phenneger wrote:
> > Actually, thats the KH motor.  I just put one in my 4kq.  Its the KH-2 I
> > spose.  Its got the Water cooled turbo, etc, and the Mac-07 but the engine
> > code is KH still.  Nice thing is to chip it all you need is a stiffer
> > spring (or shims, or WG controll etc)  as the computer doesnt cut the fuel
> > pump till 2.0 bar or around there.
> > 	L8R
> > 
> > 	Todd Phenneger
> > 	1983 ur-q / black / getting a MC
> > 	1984 4000 Turbo quattro (Faster than your average 4kq)
> > 	1987 4000 quattro / Saphire Metallic Blue/ Girlfriend's
> > 	1996 A6q / Volcano / Dads Car
> >    *****1985 5kt / PARTING OUT!
> >   *	http://www.uidaho.edu/~phen9461/motorsports.htm
> > -----
> > From: Sachelle Babbar <sbabbar@iris.nyit.edu>
> > Subject: Re: Type 44 Single Pass Intercoolers in US?
> > 
> > the mc 2 is actually the mc 3 as the the first mc was made for the late 85
> > model year. It was 2,144 cc's and used the mac 07.
> > 
> > 