You know nothing of which you speak. I don't
agree. When you can get someone at K&N to document the filtration
characteristics (beyond a paper element) and the performance increases they
claim, I'll buy it. Hint: They won't. (They can't)
They're not true. The filtration properties of oil impregnated foam are
shit. Check your air meter sometime. What's all that grit on it?
Well, its the crap the K&N filter missed that DIDN'T go through your
engine. (there's some on the inside of the intake manifold and throttle body
too) There are at least twenty experienced engineers at Audi who constantly
work on improving engine air intake systems. Where did you get
your engineering degree? I thought so. You don't have one.
Stick to what you know!
Wow...Sorry. It was sort of tongue in
cheek, because that's what so many of us have done all for nothing more than
a cool sound. I actually have thrown out my K&N because it had started
to fall apart-Don't even want a new one- I am currently running Bosch-is
that ok? As for my degree, I don't have one, but I did attend WPI for
2.5 years before alcoholism killed my chances of succeeding, so you're
right, I'm an idiot...but all is good. Love