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RE: Homebrew IC's

Scott said;

> The best B4B mod is the stock core with new end caps, cuz you already
> *own* the core.  
Man, I'm feeling stupid right now.  I'm breaking both my brain and my wallet
trying to plumb in a 20vt IC into my 1990 tqa, and it never occured to me to
simply replace the intake endcap on the stock IC.  Nice end tank, at either
2.5" or 3", plumb it straight in, none of this $200 Audi IC 70mm pipe
nonsense, no stock $220 IC, etc....  Speaco is _10_ miles freeway from my

Duhh, thanks Scott, great info, but I'm feeling like a dumb@$$.  I'll start
looking into this right away.
Thanks Again, Great Content!!!!

Gary M. Lewis
1990 200tqa Silver/Platinum 146km 1.8 bar P6000 SVR, Bilsteins, BPV
1986 5kcstqa Sapphire/Platinum 180km Stock