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Re: Really awful TT experience

Some good observations about the tranny problems.....three transmissions!?!

I find it hard to believe that three transmissions could be bad, and he seems to
be the only one having problems. Wonder how long this guy has been driving stick
shift vehicles??????

"Rich, Jack" wrote:

> >I've never read such a horrible dealer service history in all my life.
> >The owner doesn't even appear to be getting angry through it all, which
> >mystifies me.
> A TT is so wonderful that he puts up with it.  And not angry isn't quite
> true.  He is active on the TT forum, so I know that AoA has offered him a
> buyback, with deduction for milage, of course.  He says the AoA rep said
> that they can never make him a happy owner, so they don't want to try to fix
> his car anymore.  It appears they've stopped believing that there is a
> problem.  However, he loves his TT, and would much rather they get the damn
> transmission fixed.  He is, however, pretty fed up.
> 3 bad transmissions says that he is either extremely unlucky, or there is
> some other problem with the car (like the clutch?) that causes his tranny to
> fail.  Of course, what dealer will ever successfully diagnose some secondary
> cause?  It does appear that the weak link in a TT may be the 2nd gear
> synchro.
> Jack Rich

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