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Re: 3/4" Torque wrench

Why not use a ½" torque wrench?  We just used a ½->3/4 adapter to fit into
the torque multiplier (2079 tool I think).
Good luck,

At 04:40 PM 12/11/1999 GMT, Jimmy D wrote:
>I got the timing belt tool rental from Blau and gave myself all weekend to 
>do the job, since this is my first time doing it.  So I head out this 
>morning to rent a torque wrench for the crankshaft bolt tool.  Not only does 
>no one rent tools anymore, no one even sells a 3/4" drive torque wrench.  I 
>found one place that can order one for $400!  If there is anoyone in the 
>western Connecticut area that can rent or let me borrow this tool PLEASE let 
>me know.
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