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RE: warm-up regulator and my webpage

>     My warm up regulator on my '84 Coupe GT (2.1 L) went out 
> and I am trying
> to replace it.  My mechanic says they are back ordered, and 
> to try back
> again in a few weeks.  Anybody know a source for a NEW unit.

... why do you need a new unit?  I'm thinking that as long as the heating
element on the bimetallic strip is not open circuited or shorted to the case
it should be possible to rebuild the one you have ... or one from a wrecking
yard.  Years ago I took the one for either the Fox's or the ur-q's engine
apart ... it is really quite a simple mechanical device inside.  The thing I
get the biggest kick out of is the way that the control pressure is adjusted
... there's a plug that you whack with a calibrated hammer to adjust the
control pressure!  If you need more info on the thing don't hesitate to ask,
but basically the pressure regulator has a diaphragm which is being pressed
in place by a bimetallic spring.  As the engine block and/or heater warms up
the strip the control pressure changes, which causes the fuel distributor to
lean out the mixture.  Many control pressure regulators [AKA warm up
regulators] have an internal air diaphragm to allow intake vacuum/boost to
affect the control pressure as well.  

Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)